Author: Felice Karuna (Director, Baby Osteopath at Matakana Osteopaths)
Age | Milestone | Age | Milestone |
1m | Lifts head when on tummy. Responds to sound. Looks at faces. |
13m | Uses two words skilfully e.g. Hi and Bye. Bends over and picks up an object. |
2m | Coos and gurgles. Follows objects with eyes. Holds head up for brief periods |
14m | Eats with fingers. Empties containers of contents. Imitates others. |
3m | Recognises parent(s) face. Holds head steady. Visually tracks moving objects. |
15m | Plays with ball. Uses three words regularly. Walks backwards. |
4m | Can bear weight on legs. Coos when spoken to. Smiles, laughs. |
16m | Turns pages of a book. Has temper tantrums if frustrated. Becomes attached to soft toy/object. |
5m | Distinguishes between bold colours. Plays with his/her hands/feet. |
17m | Uses 6 words regularly. Enjoys pretend games. Likes riding toys. |
6m | Turns towards sounds /voices. Imitates sounds. Rolls over in both directions. |
18m | Will “read” board books on his/her own. Scribbles well. |
7m | Sits without support. Drags objects towards oneself. |
19m | Uses a spoon and fork. Runs. Throws a ball underhand. |
8m | Says ‘mama’ & ‘papa’ to parents (not specific). Plays patty cake peek a boo. |
20m | Feeds doll. Takes off own clothes. Dumps object in imitation (throwing away garbage). |
9m | Can stand when holding onto something. Jabbers or combines syllables. Understands object permanence. |
21m | Can walk upstairs. Able to set simple goals (Put toy in certain place). |
10m | Picks things up with pincer grip. Crawls well with belly off the ground. Waves goodbye. |
22m | Kicks ball forward. Follows two step requests (get doll, bring here). |
11m | Says ‘mama’ & ‘dada’ to the right parent. Stands alone for a few seconds. |
23m | Names simple picture in a book. Uses 50-70 words. |
12m | Imitates other activities. Indicates wants with gestures. |
24m | Names at least 6 body parts. Half of speech is understandable. Makes 2–3-word sentences. |
Also see: How Can Baby Osteopaths Help
Check our availablity and book yourself an appointment online, or feel free to get in contact with us directly and we can find a time that suits you. Leading osteopathic providers in the Warkworth area. Matakana Osteopaths, inside the Cinema Complex, 2 Matakana Valley Road, 0985. Ph: 027 571 5799.