Developmental Milestones - 0-2yrs

Quick reference guide for parents of babies and children up to 2 years old

Author: Felice Karuna (Director, Baby Osteopath at Matakana Osteopaths)

Cute Toddler
Age Milestone Age Milestone
1m Lifts head when on tummy.
Responds to sound.
Looks at faces.
13m Uses two words skilfully e.g. Hi and Bye.
Bends over and picks up an object.
2m Coos and gurgles.
Follows objects with eyes.
Holds head up for brief periods
14m Eats with fingers.
Empties containers of contents.
Imitates others.
3m Recognises parent(s) face.
Holds head steady.
Visually tracks moving objects.
15m Plays with ball.
Uses three words regularly.
Walks backwards.
4m Can bear weight on legs.
Coos when spoken to.
Smiles, laughs.
16m Turns pages of a book.
Has temper tantrums if frustrated.
Becomes attached to soft toy/object.
5m Distinguishes between bold colours.
Plays with his/her hands/feet.
17m Uses 6 words regularly.
Enjoys pretend games.
Likes riding toys.
6m Turns towards sounds /voices.
Imitates sounds.
Rolls over in both directions.
18m Will “read” board books on his/her own.
Scribbles well.
7m Sits without support.
Drags objects towards oneself.
19m Uses a spoon and fork.
Throws a ball underhand.
8m Says ‘mama’ & ‘papa’ to parents (not specific).
Plays patty cake peek a boo.
20m Feeds doll.
Takes off own clothes.
Dumps object in imitation (throwing away garbage).
9m Can stand when holding onto something.
Jabbers or combines syllables.
Understands object permanence.
21m Can walk upstairs.
Able to set simple goals (Put toy in certain place).
10m Picks things up with pincer grip.
Crawls well with belly off the ground.
Waves goodbye.
22m Kicks ball forward.
Follows two step requests (get doll, bring here).
11m Says ‘mama’ & ‘dada’ to the right parent.
Stands alone for a few seconds.
23m Names simple picture in a book.
Uses 50-70 words.
12m Imitates other activities.
Indicates wants with gestures.
24m Names at least 6 body parts.
Half of speech is understandable.
Makes 2–3-word sentences.

Check our availablity and book yourself an appointment online, or feel free to get in contact with us directly and we can find a time that suits you. Leading osteopathic providers in the Warkworth area. Matakana Osteopaths, inside the Cinema Complex, 2 Matakana Valley Road, 0985. Ph: 027 571 5799.